Giulietta Fiore- Wendell Garret Scholarship
“I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you for funding my education at the 2017 Winterthur Institute. The grant, in honor of Wendell D. Garrett, will be invaluable to my continued interest in the history and decorative arts fields. I am deeply appreciative for your support.
I am currently serving as Museum Administrator at the William Brinton 1704 House in West Chester, PA with primary responsibility for operations, conservation, and interpretation of the house and its objects. I am enthusiastic about contributing to the preservation and understanding of cultural heritage through continued participation in the museum field.
Having just completed the Winterthur Institute, I can now confidently say that the program augmented my skills and will allow me to be more effective in my future as a museum professional. My newfound understanding of American decorative arts from 1640 through 1860 has already begun to inform my work at the William Brinton 1704 House. The Winterthur Institute has also allowed me to foster relationships with knowledgeable and passionate professionals working in a variety of fields related to my own. It has opened my eyes to the broad array of people working to further appreciation for the decorative arts.
Without a doubt, this scholarship will play a key role in achieving my professional goals. Because of your generosity, the financial burden placed on me to pursue further education will be reduced. Thank you for your investment in the futures of history lovers and young professionals like myself.”

Michael Catanzaro
I am 59 years old and have been self employed all my adult life. I have had several careers, all of which have been affected by technology and or globalization – most of the changes have not been to my benefit. These disruptions in various industries have caused me to have to reinvent myself in thought and education constantly. I have payed for my educations, always investing in books and schooling and have sought knowledge wherever I could find it to advance my careers. I have been working in the fine arts since 1992 and as an estate professional for the last 20 years. Our business has been on a steady decline regarding estate liquidation buying and selling. Most profit centers have evaporated. It appears to me that the only way to be able to continue to be engaged in this field, is to apply what I’ve learned to the profession of appraising. It is in this future endeavor that I can be of the greatest service to my clients and continue to support myself financially. What it means to me regarding the granting of the scholarship that has been awarded? It would be tragedy for me to leave the field to which I have dedicated so much time and effort. Having this opportunity to move forward with my education with some assistance is humbling. Understanding that someone else had the foresight and capacity to invest in another human being – and I being the proud recipient of this honor. Thank you whoever you are.

Erica Claus
It was a welcome surprise to learn I had been selected for a scholarship by the Foundation for Appraisal Education. It is both an honour and a responsibility to receive this award which underscores the FAE’s belief that the specialized course I am undertaking in Dallas in July of 2017 will serve to build on my foundation courses. I became an Accredited Member of the International Society of Appraisers in 2012 and have been taking courses, attending lectures, seminars and conferences, visiting art fairs in the US, Canada and Europe and continuing the learning and study required to stay on top of my game as an art appraiser. Knowing that there is a Foundation promoting and supporting ongoing training and education in the art of appraisals is reassuring to me for 5 reasons:
It demonstrates a highly professional industry that values advanced education.
It facilitates ongoing learning, a habit that is known to encourage rigour and excellence.
It stimulates appraisers to broaden their knowledge base.
It requires of the appraiser a clear rationale and focus in determining which courses to attend.
It provides concrete support and welcome relief by reducing the financial burden incurred by specialized cours

Sophie Coco
I am honored to be selected by the Foundation for Appraisal Education as a recipient of this scholarship. This opportunity will open many doors into the community of appraisers. I look forward to taking the core course in Appraisal Studies from which I can build my appraisal education. As a recent graduate with a degree in Art History and French, I was naturally drawn to the auction community for its fast-paced nature and one’s proximity to an extensive array of objects. In my current position, I have been introduced to appraisals and have found a career path that excites me and allows me to further my education. An appraiser has the unique opportunity to be at the crossroads between the art market and academia and in this middle ground is where I feel can continue to learn and grow as a member of the art community. Thank you again to the Foundation of Appraisal Education for allowing me to further my education in appraisal studies.

Megan Gandolfo
“After I found out that I had won the DAT scholarship, I scurried around making flight and hotel plans as quickly as I could. In the midst of making three changes to my flight arrangements and taking my dog back to my parents’ house on Long Island, I did not have time to reflect on what receiving the scholarship meant to me until after the seminar was over. In going, I did not know what to expect. I had a sense that I would meet the same circle of appraisers I always see at conferences in New York and in workshops. I had never been to Texas before and it turned out that I had never met any of the attendees before either.
My experience at the seminar was shaped not only by what I learned, but the people I met there. It was such a valuable opportunity to network with appraisers and professionals who had experience and could relate to where I was in my own career. Being in a different circle as those who I usually meet at seminars, they had new perspectives and on the whole, a different attitude about life. The notion that we are all in the same field as a team and not as competitors was a really ground-breaking realization for me. That the speakers and the attendees stood by sharing knowledge on the basis that it serves the greater good of the profession gave me hope that we can all work together and navigate these new developments in appraisals. To be honest, I always dreaded networking. Even the word gives me anxiety. I sat next to Alton Bowman on day one without having any idea he was a speaker. When he told me he was presenting that afternoon, I was surprised that a speaker could be so approachable! That set the tone for the next day and a half and I reallymade connections with people.
Though I initially set out to appraise fine art, I had found myself appraising household contents. The seminar gave me more confidence in what I might encounter in the attics (or even closets) of future clients. All of the lectures were engaging and I enjoyed all of them. The most valuable and surprising was Jake Keller’s “Fake or Real?”. There is a science to authenticating designer wares beyond looking up the serial number on the tag. As a detail oriented person, I thought his talk was very informative and practical. I actually cannot wait to encounter a closet now, rather than just passing it off to someone else. Many of the talks opened up collection fields that I knew existed, but never studied before. Civil War artifacts, rocks and minerals, comic books, Buddhist art, and quilts will not intimidate me now, because I have a basic understanding and at least one person I have met that will be willing to help.
I perceived the Decorative Art Trust scholarship as a way to increase my knowledge of household contents, but I found that it was also an opportunity to be part of a larger community of appraisers and to meet new colleagues. Thank you!”

Molly Huang
From an educational background of Asian Art History and Museum Studies, I’m always interested in working with Asian fine and decorative arts. I’ve been working in the auction industry for nearly three years after graduate school. My interests in the appraisal business initiated from my work at an auction house. I feel extremely fortunate that my supervisor introduced me to the ISA family and I was able to complete the Core Course and USPAP classes with help from a group of outstanding ISA instructors last year. The most fascinating experience of working in art and antique industry is the opportunity of learning new things everyday. As a newly joined member, there are so many fields I’m not familiar with but eager to explore. I truly appreciate that the Foundation of Appraisal Education offered me this scholarship, so I could accomplish the ISA Asian art courses with two brilliant instructors this summer! The scholarship helped me realize my passion and encouraged me to continue chasing my goal of being a certified appraiser of Asian art! The development of technology and the transition of generations in the upcoming future need more energetic young faces in the appraisal industry, and I want to be part of it!

Patricia Manzo
I am sincerely honored to receive the Foundation for Appraisal Education’s 2017 Scholarship. This scholarship will give me the chance to continue my education to meet my professional goal of becoming an Accredited Member within the International Society of Appraisers (ISA). Receiving the FAE’s scholarship will allow me to complete ISA’s Antiques, Furnishings + Decorative Arts course to enhance my appraisal skills. Thank you to the FAE’s directors for selecting me and to the community of Appraisers for your financial contribution towards this scholarship. As a new appraiser, I am committed in investing towards my education to assist me in enhancing my appraisal practice. I am enthusiastic that I have received this scholarship and I look forward to achieving my educational goals. Again, thank you for investing in my future and for making a positive contribution towards my education!

Alyssa Rose
I am honored to receive this scholarship from the Foundation for Appraisal Education. I believe that without these scholarship opportunities a lot of dreams for a career in the appraisal field would be unfulfilled. With that being said, I send a sincere thank you to the people that are able to donate, and continue to do so, to help their fellow appraiser. With this scholarship, I will be able to continue my studies with the International Society of Appraisers. Specifically, this will allow me to complete my specialty Fine Arts course in the fall and, thus, be on my way to becoming an Accredited Member of ISA. I joined ISA in 2015 and could not be happier with the support and warm welcome I have received from current members. I am encouraged every day to continue following the steps to become an appraiser and could not be happier with my career path. Again, I would like to thank the FAE committee and all the donors. Thank you!